Shown here are the front and back covers of a Pullman advertising brochure printed in 1948 by the Pullman company. It is a 38 page booklet describing various accommodations that were provided on the streamliners of the day.

Some of the personal services and conveniences listed are:
The cars are temperature-controlled and air-conditioned. If you had a private room, you could control it yourself.
Your room was kept clean and neat by Pullman's expert housekeepers.
If you wanted an extra pillow or blanket, the porter willingly provided one... no charge.
Your shoes were shined while you slept.
You could have a table set up in your private accommodation, just ask the porter.
Below are renderings of one of the many Private rooms provided:

(left-click to enlarge)
Accommodations offered included:
Section with upper and lower berths at night.
Roomette type A.
Roomette type B.
Duplex-Single Rooms.
Connecting Double Bedrooms type A.
Double Bedrooms type B.
Connecting Double Bedrooms type C. (shown above)
Connecting Double Bedrooms type D.
Bedroom and Compartment.
Drawing Room.
Those were just the private accommodations. Add to that, the Observation Car, Dining Car, Lounge, ladies dressing room, Men's dressing room... pretty nice.
It may have been 1848, but they knew how to travel cross-country in style and comfort. Today's public transportation conveyances pale by comparison.